Behavioral Health
A Guide to Using Mental Health and Substance Use Disorder Services
Behavioral health includes the emotions and behaviors that affect your overall well-being. Behavioral health is sometimes called mental health and often includes substance use. Just like physical health, behavioral health has trained providers who can help you much like a physical health care provider would.
Everyone has the strength to make important behavioral health changes, but many people are too nervous to talk about it during a health care visit. Asking for support comes with many benefits though. As communities gather around those in need, behavioral health providers are there to support you or your loved one throughout the journey.
How to use the site
This site is meant to provide a resource around behavioral health for American Indian and Alaska Native people. The topics of tribal behavioral health, tools for appointments, substance use, and additional resources are covered, but within the pages, there is more information to help anyone understand not only what it is, but why it's important.
The service locator is a searchable database of behavioral health providers so anyone can find the local options for care. Behavioral health is a journey. This site is a companion; use it like any other resource guide.